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Can you have two internet modems in one house

Internet modems are a common household device. This post will discuss how to set up two internet modems in one house. If you’re not sure what an internet modem is, it’s the small box that connects your computer or laptop to the Internet.

The first thing you need to do is purchase two compatible modems and then install them both into your home network. You can typically buy these devices for around $100 each – just make sure they offer the same speeds so they work together properly!Can you have two internet modems in one house

After installing them, connect one of them to your router with an Ethernet cable and configure it as usual by logging on through its web portal interface (or IP address). The second connection should be configured similarly but plugged into another port on your router instead.

I’d love to help you, but unfortunately that’s not a question our support team can answer. You’ll need to contact your ISP or hardware provider for more information.

How do I set up a second modem?

Whether we’re at work or home, our internet connections are important. We rely on them for everything from web browsing to video conferencing and VoIP calls. Unfortunately, they don’t always offer the fastest speeds in all areas of a building. This can be frustrating when you’re trying to download files or stream videos; it’s like your internet is running slower than dial-up! Fortunately there is something you can do about this: set up a second modem in another part of your house with the right coaxial cable and power connection.

1. Before setting up a second modem, you should have a clear understanding of your internet needs
2. Install the new modem in an area that is not near any other wireless devices
3. Connect the new modem to the main router using an Ethernet cable or powerline adapter
4. Make sure both modems are on and connected to each other through their built-in Wi-Fi networks
5. If needed, set up additional security settings for your new network by following these steps
6. Reboot all devices and test them out! You can do this by going online with both modems at once and checking if there is any interference between them while browsing different websites

You can set up a second modem by plugging it in and following the on-screen instructions.


There are many reasons why you might want to use two internet modems in one house. For example, if your ISP has a data cap and forces you to pay for going over it each month or maybe they have poor customer service, this may be the best option. So before making any decisions on how to proceed with using two internet modems at once, consider what is driving your need for a second modem first. If you do decide that having more than one broadband connection would benefit you then we can walk through setting up those connections together!

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