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Chromecast connected but can t access the internet

This blog post is all about chromecast connected but can t access the internet. I will answer your questions, provide you with some troubleshooting tips, and give you a few examples of what might be happening.Chromecast connected but can t access the internet

The Chromecast can’t connect to Wi-Fi, so you’ll need to plug it into your computer and transfer the files on its hard drive.

How do I reconnect my Chromecast to the Internet?

If you’re having trouble connecting your Chromecast to the internet, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure that your WiFi is on and connected to the same network as your Chromecast. Next, reboot both of them by turning off power for 30 seconds and then turning it back on. If this doesn’t work, try unplugging both devices from their power sources for 10 minutes before powering them up again.  If none of these steps work and if you’ve checked with Google’s help page or contacted customer service there may be something wrong with your device!

  1. Check the Chromecast’s power cord to make sure it is plugged in
  2. Make sure that your TV and Wi-Fi are turned on
  3. Restart your router by unplugging it from the wall for a few minutes, then plugging it back in
  4. Verify that you have an active internet connection by using another device such as a phone or laptop to check if the internet is working properly
  5. If all else fails, try resetting your Chromecast by pressing down on its button for about 10 seconds

First, go to your WiFi settings and make sure that Chromecast is connected to the same network as your computer. Then, check if you’ve selected the right tab for your Chromecast device on Google Cast extension. Finally, restart both devices and connect.


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