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How to cancel my playstation plus subscription

How do I cancel my PlayStation Plus subscription? This is a question that many gamers have asked, and today, we’re going to show you how to do it. Keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to unsubscribe from PlayStation Plus.How to cancel my playstation plus subscription

If you’re like me, you subscribed to Playstation Plus for the free games every month, but now that you’ve finished all of them, you don’t know how to cancel your subscription. Don’t worry, I’m here to help! This guide will show you how to cancel your subscription on PS4, PS3, and the web. So let’s get started!

1. Log in to your account on the PlayStation website
2. Select “My Account” from the top menu bar
3. In the left column, select “PlayStation Plus Membership”
4. Click on “Cancel Subscription” to cancel your subscription and end your membership with Playstation Plus
5. You will need to enter a reason for cancelling and click submit before you can finish cancelling your subscription
6. Confirm that you want to cancel by clicking ‘Yes’ at the bottom of this page and then click ‘Done’. The next time you log into your account, it should say that you are no longer a member of Playstation Plus.

Is it easy to cancel PlayStation Plus?

Sony has been a leading company in the gaming industry for decades now. In recent years, Sony’s PlayStation Plus service is one of their most successful products with over 30 million subscribers as of March 2017. Despite this success, it can be difficult to cancel your subscription if you are not careful.

In order to cancel your PlayStation Plus account make sure you go into Settings -> Account Management -> Subscription and then follow these steps: Select “Cancel Automatic Renewal” under Billing Information; Confirm that you would like to Cancel by selecting “Yes”; Lastly select Submit Cancellation Request. It is important to note that any remaining time on your current subscription will be forfeited once cancelled so please remember this before cancelling.

How long does it take to get a refund from PlayStation?

When you make a purchase, you expect to receive your refund in a timely manner. But what about refunds from PlayStation? How long does it take to get that money back into your pocket? We did some research and found out the average amount of time it takes for PS4 and PlayStation Vita users to receive their refunds. Keep reading to find out more.

If you’re a PlayStation player, then you know that one of the best things about the console is the variety of games available. But what happens when you don’t enjoy a game and want to return it? In this blog post, we’ll answer the question: “How long does it take to get a refund from PlayStation?” So keep reading to find out more.

Can you get a refund for PlayStation Plus?

The PlayStation Plus is a monthly fee that you pay to access the online multiplayer for your Playstation console. The cost of this service can vary from $5-$10 per month, depending on how many months you purchase at a time. If you’re not happy with your subscription and want to cancel it, follow these steps below.

1) Go to “Settings” on the home menu of your Playstation 4 or 3D TV. 2) Select “PlayStation Network/Account Management”. 3) Select “Account Information”. 4) Choose “Services List” and find PlayStation Plus in the list. 5) Select Cancel Subscription. 6) Confirm cancellation by selecting Yes when asked if you are sure about cancelling your subscription.

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