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What is a matchmade game in league

League of Legends is an online multiplayer game that I have come to love for its competitive nature and the people you get to meet while playing. One thing about League is that it can be hard keeping up with all of the patches, but none more so than matchmade games.What is a matchmade game in league

Matchmade games are often one-sided due to how new players are matched against each other, which can lead to frustration or even quitting altogether. This blog post will help teach readers what a matchmade game is in League of Legends and how they can avoid getting into one if they’re not ready yet.

In League of Legends, a matchmade game is when you and five other players are all connected to each other because the group leader has chosen a custom game.

What counts as a Matchmade game in League of Legends?

With the current design of the League of Legends game, there are many different ways to achieve victory. However, Riot has been known to make changes to the game that can affect how players approach their matches. One recent change in particular, the addition of the Rift Herald, has caused some confusion among players as to what exactly constitutes a “matchmade” game. In this blog post, we’ll explore what Riot considers to be a matchmade game and how that affects player behavior.

A matchmade game is when players are matched against other players of the same skill level.

Does URF count as Matchmade?

League of Legends is a five-player game with the objectives of either taking down the other team’s Nexus, or destroying the Dragon. The game progresses through waves of minions and heroes fighting strategically in order to achieve these goals. There are different roles that players can take on in any given game: tank, support, assassin, and mage. Each role has its own unique set of responsibilities within a team. URF Mode is an unofficial game mode that was created as a way for players to have more fun while playing League. In this mode, all champions are temporarily set to their most powerful form and gold gain is increased significantly. This mode isn’t sanctioned by Riot Games so it doesn’t count as a match made.


The matchmade game is a popular way for players to play League of Legends. It’s also the lowest scoring game in NFL history! Read on to find out more about this unusual professional sports record.

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