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What is game of the year edition

We all know the feeling. You buy a game and it is so good you can’t stop playing it! But then, after a few months or weeks, the excitement of the new wears off and we move onto our next game. For those who want to keep that initial thrill alive for as long as possible, there’s now an option: Game of the Year Edition games. These are typically remastered versions of old classics with added content for players who may have missed out on something special in its original release date because they weren’t yet born or were too young. The best thing? All this at no cost besides your time.What is game of the year edition

The game of the year edition is a new version of the game that includes all the downloadable content. It also comes with some additional features and improvements to gameplay. The game has received a number of awards from various publications, including GameSpot’s Best Xbox.

What do Game of the Year editions mean?

This post will discuss what game of the year editions are, how they are created, and why they may be a good option for you. First off, let’s talk about what game of the year editions are. Game of the Year editions are collections that offer gamers who missed out on popular games an opportunity to play them again with all their DLC included in one package. They’re great because it creates less work for gamers by including everything in one place. There is no need to go hunting for things that have been released over time or purchase them individually which can get expensive- especially if there is more than just 1 piece of DLC available to buy! And now we’ll talk about why these might be a good option for you.

These editions mean that the game has sold well enough to be re-released with some extra features. The best part is you can get it at a discount!

Why is it called Game of the Year Edition?

The Game of the Year Edition is a common name given to games that are re-released with all DLCs, including season passes for free. The first game to have this title was Halo 2 on Xbox in 2004. A game’s GOTY edition usually has one or more unlockable achievements and/or trophies (depending on console) related to finishing the campaign or playing multiplayer matches.  Some games like Stardew Valley will feature new content such as music tracks, new areas, etc… However, most of these changes are cosmetic and don’t actually change gameplay mechanics! This type of edition is often used by developers to boost sales revenue towards end of year holidays.  For example, Bethesda released Skyrim: Special Edition in 2016 with updated textures.


In this article, we discussed what a game of the year edition is and how you can use it to your advantage. We also shared some tips on making a great GOTY 2017 list that will help people find more games they might be interested in. If you’re looking for other resources about gaming or marketing strategies, don’t forget to check out our blog.

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