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What is the best animal crossing game

Animal Crossing is a game that has been around for over 15 years. It’s the perfect game to play if you’re looking for something relaxing, but it can also be fun and exciting! The newest addition to the series, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, was released on June 9th 2013. With this release came many new changes including an updated look to your town map. This change allows players more flexibility in where they place their favorite things around town.What is the best animal crossing game

Animal Crossing New Leaf is the latest version of Animal Crossing. It was one of the most highly anticipated games for the Nintendo 3DS and has sold millions of copies worldwide.

Which is best Animal Crossing?

Today I am going to be discussing which Animal Crossing game is the best. With so many games in the series, it can be hard to decide which one you like best! Let’s take a look at some common favorites and see what they have in common.

Is there a bad Animal Crossing game?

Animal Crossing has been a Nintendo staple for over a decade now, with new entries in the series being released almost every year. However, not all Animal Crossing games are created equal. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the different Animal Crossing games and determine which one is the best and which ones are not worth your time.

What games are better than Animal Crossing?

If you’ve been playing Animal Crossing for a while and are looking to try something new, we have some suggestions. These games vary from RPGs to puzzle games, so hopefully there is something in the list below that will peak your interest!

Is Animal Crossing still trending?

The social simulation video game franchise Animal Crossing has been around since 2001, but it seems to be having a resurgence in popularity lately. The latest game in the series, released in late 2016 for the Nintendo Switch console, was an instant hit and has remained near the top of the charts ever since. What is it about Animal Crossing that keeps people coming back for more? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons this quirky game has become a pop culture phenomenon.


Animal crossing is a great game because it’s so much fun and super addicting. It has tons of features that keep you entertained for hours on end, while also teaching you about the world around you. For example, if your friend moves out in real life, their character will move away from your town too! Also there are lots of surprises hidden throughout the game to make things even more interesting. I would recommend this game for anyone who wants to have some good old fashioned video games or just needs something new to do when they’re bored.

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