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What is the yellow dot on my iphone


The yellow dot on your iPhone is a symbol of the new “Notification Center”. This notification center has been revamped to make it more user friendly. It now includes an option for “Texts” which will allow you to read all of your text messages from one place. You can also view the time, battery life and even control music from this screen.

I am here to save the day! You are probably wondering what that yellow dot is on your iphone, and I can’t blame you. It’s not always easy to tell what each symbol means on our phones. Luckily for you, this post will provide all of the information you need about how to know if your phone is being tracked or hacked by a virus. So without further ado, let’s get started.

If you’ve recently noticed a yellow dot on your iPhone’s screen, don’t worry – you’re not alone. This is a new security feature that was introduced with the iOS 11 update, and it’s designed to help protect your data from unauthorized access.

What is the yellow dot on my iphone camera

The yellow dot on the camera is a function that was created by Apple to help you take better photos. When you are taking a photo, if there is no yellow dot then it means that your phone’s camera will not be able to focus properly and the picture will turn out blurry.

The best way to make sure this does not happen is by ensuring that the little black point in between your lens and flash are centered over what you want to take a picture of. If they are off center, try moving them until they come into alignment for an optimum shot.

If you’ve ever taken a picture with your iPhone and noticed a yellow dot in the corner of the frame, you may have wondered what that is. Most people assume it’s a lens flare, but what if it’s something more? In this article, we’ll explore what the yellow dot on your iPhone camera is and how to get rid of it. Stay tuned.

Does the orange dot mean someone is listening

There’s a new symbol on Facebook that has everyone talking. It’s an orange dot that appears in the top right corner of someone’s profile picture. So what does it mean? Are they online or just ignoring you? Some people are convinced that it means the person is listening to you, but is that really true? Here’s what we know about the orange dot so far.

You know that feeling when you’re in a conversation and you can’t help but feel like the other person isn’t really listening to you? That’s what I was thinking about this week when I saw people wearing those orange stickers on their laptops. It turns out, they are part of a new program at our office where people can signal to others that they are available for a conversation. The idea is that it will help make sure everyone feels heard and that we’re all more productive.

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